App Support

eCatch currently supports the following fishing methods. If you don’t see yours in this list, get in touch with us and more than likely we can add it.

BLL: Bottom longlining MH: Mechanical harvesting
BPT: Bottom Pair Trawl MPT: Midwater Pair Trawl
BS: Beach Seine/Drag nets MW: Midwater Trawl
BT: Bottom Trawl OCP: Octopus potting
CP: Cod potting PL: Pole and Line
CRP: Crab potting POT: Potting (Other)
D: Dredging PRB: Precision Bottom Trawl
DI: Diving PRM: Precision Midwater Trawl
DL: Drop/dahn lines PS: Purse Seine
DN: Inshore drift netting PSN: Pair Set Netting
DPN: Dip netting RLP: Rock lobster potting
DPS: Pair Danish Seine RN: Ring Net
DS: Danish Seine SCN: Scoop Net
DV: Diving Combined (snorkel, scuba and surface supplied) SCP: Scampi pots
EFN: Ellesmere-type fyke net SJ: Squid jigging
EP: Eel potting (Hinaki) SLL: Surface longlining
FC: Carrier SN: Set netting (incl. gill nets)
FN: Fyke netting (Eels) T: Trolling
FP: Fish traps (including Box/Teiche nets) TL: Trot Line
H: Hand gathering UBA: Diving utilising self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
HL: Handlining UBS: Diving utilising surface-supplied underwater breathing apparatus
L: Lampara Nets

What about catch location reporting?

Usually, the App provides an accurate GPS location for each fishing event. Please ensure you’re using a device with built-in GPS and which has a clear view of the sky (through a window is fine).

If I’m out of cellular range, how does my catch get reported?

eCatch uses either a cellular signal or wifi for transmission. If you’re out of range the App will cache the data until a signal is reacquired. This is compliant with New Zealand Fisheries Reporting regulations.

Note: The ERS regulations require catch to be reported within 24 hours of it occurring. If you plan to be out of range for longer than that then eCatch is not an appropriate service for your fishing method.

Does the App include catch landing functionality?


Does the App generate monthly reports?

No. These should be generated from the FishServe online portal.

Does eCatch also include GPR?

No. eCatch is only for the electronic catch and position reporting. It does not include a service for Geospatial Position Reporting (GPR).

Note: We’re exploring offering an affordable GPR service. Please get in touch if you’re interested.

Devices, Installation & Training

What sort of device do  I need?

You can use any modern Android or iOS tablet or smartphone to run the App. The device you choose must include GPS. An active cellular data connection is strongly recommended as it will allow you to submit data while in cellular coverage, not just wifi. More than likely you have a compatible device in your pocket right now!

NB: iPads with cellular connective are required as all wifi only iPads do not have GPS.

Does my device need to be waterproof?

Given the nature of the marine environment we strongly recommend encasing your device in a rugged, waterproof case (some modern devices are waterproof or water resistant). eCatch does not sell these cases.

Where should I install my device?

The device running the eCatch App can be installed wherever convenient. It must however have a clear view of the sky in order to get an accurate signal from the GPS satellite network.

Is there any installation cost?

No. There is no extra hardware or installation cost.

What if I have a problem with my device?

Other than confirming the device is capable of running the App, eCatch does not offer any troubleshooting of the device you choose to run the App on. If the problem is hardware related you should contact the supplier of the device.

Given the App can be installed on as many devices as you wish we recommend you keep a spare device with you or have another crew member install it on their device.

What about training?

There’s a training mode within the App where any data entered will not be submitted to FishServe. We have online resources to teach you the basics. We also offer onsite training at extra cost ($1000 NZD per day plus travel & expenses) if you have a larger team you want to get up and running quickly.

Data, Security & Troubleshooting

Is my data secure?

Yes. We use industry standards to encrypt all data both on the device, during transmission, and on our server.

Where is my data stored?

Data is stored on both the device on which it is reported, on online eCatch server, and ultimately on the MPI FishServe servers.

Who owns my data?

The data remains the property of the person reporting it. This may or may not be the permit holder. eCatch stores the data on behalf of the owner for the duration of usage of our service. All data associated with that user will be deleted from eCatch servers at the end of the term.

Will eCatch use my data?

eCatch will only make use of your data as required for troubleshooting any issues with the service. We will not on-sell it or reuse it for any commercial purpose that is not stated in the Terms & Conditions of the service provision.

What about the loss of data?

eCatch makes every effort to ensure no data loss occurs. The most likely scenario for this is if the device itself is lost before data is transmitted to the eCatch server. In this event, eCatch takes no responsibility. Loss of data while in transmission will be compensated for by comparing cached data on the device with that on the server. Any difference will result in retransmission.

What happens in the event of loss of the service?

In the event that eCatch’s online server is not available data will still be stored on the device on which it was reported. As soon as the server is back online the App will once again re-transmit the data.

What if eCatch has a security breach?

eCatch uses the authentication protocol and credentials provided by FishServe. That is to say, your username and password for eCatch are identical to FishServes. In the event of a security breach of either FishServe or eCatch you should immediately reset your password on FishServe. If the security breach is within eCatch’s service you will be notified within 72 hours of eCatch becoming aware of the breach.

What if I have any other problem with using the eCatch service?

At launch we’ll offer both a phone support line and an online portal for reporting any issues with the service.